Whether it is a push notification, reminding user of app updates, or a paid advertisement in the form of a message, allowing your app brand to communicate with the users is the key to a long-lasting loyal relationship. In most cases, app owners have various ways to communicate with users, but that is not the case with users.
Users have limited ways to get in touch with app publishers. In fact, with most apps, there is no way by which users can actually contact and provide their feedback in words. As of today, app owners or publishers, try to receive feedback through app store ratings and reviews, or by placing an email link within the app where users can contact.
However, what if customers want to express their opinion by speaking out, or getting in personal touch with the app owner? The above channels are not at all helpful or convenient, when users want to discuss about your app at length. At the end of the day, they feel that providing feedback is unimportant, and it is better to switch on to other apps.
So, as a customized Android application development company India, what it takes to encourage user feedback related to your app? Most importantly, how can you leverage this feedback, to build a top rated, profitable, and better app. It is a systematic process. Let us find out.
1. Incorporate feedback loops within the app
Having feedback loops integrated within your app, result in a frictionless experience between your app, and the user. It is not surprising to see users preferring calling over texting. People prefer to say everything on phone, rather than texting out long blocks of information.
2. Have a proactive approach in place
After implementing a communication channel within your app, it is time now to tell users about it. Send a message to your app customers telling them about this new direct communication channel in place. Let them feel that you value their opinions as well as experiences.
In spite of the fact that users currently have feedback to share or not, prompting them will always keep your app on the back of their minds. That way, whenever they have any issue, they will remember to communicate directly, instead of going through indirect channels of app store ratings and reviews, as well as emailing.
3. Respond back quickly by remaining on the toes
Value customer issues by providing them immediate feedback. Whether, small or big, instantly responding to their queries will not let them feel, as if their queries are going waste. Even after the issues have been fixed, reach out to your customers, and ask them about their experience during the whole process.
4. Take measures based on overall feedback
It is finally time now to improve the product. Analyze the feedback provided by the customer during the entire experience. Work upon areas that need improvement, and strengthen on your USPs. The insights should provide a nice directional roadmap for enhancing CRM processes.
It is high time to start a conversation
Now you know the importance of customer feedback, especially in leveraging entire app experience. There are many ways, by which you can start. However, the best way is to think about customer goals, and then listen to your customers.